Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Blog? Seriously?

In the inspiring words of my office-mate, "You're going to start a what?" A blog. Now mind you, I barely read long emails all the way through and have little patience to type to a 3rd paragraph, but I was entrigued by how easy it was to start a blog and that it was free!
Working in public relations; what a better way to relate to my public, then be in cyberspace with my fellow surfers and as a photographer, what a better place to showcase my work.

Alittle background on me:
Born & raised in New Orleans, Louisiana and still a New Orleanian at heart, I am currently living in Downtown Birmingham, Alabama, USA (a little tribute to Rick Carter & Franky Velvet). After graduating from the University of Alabama in May 2005, I have been building my 'illustrious' public relations/photography career at Panorama Public Relations in Pepper Place working w/ all types of media outlets regionally and on the national level. Working recently with Belk has turned me into quite the fashionista (I'm sure to my husband's chagrin) and recently moving into our first home, a loft in Downtown's North Side, has made us quite cosmopolitan (or quite the yuppy; you decide).
Moving here from New Orleans wasn't the hugest of adjustments, but you'd be surprise and the amount of differences (like the first time I couldn't buy alcohol on Sunday - that was a shocker). But living downtown to make Birmingham as urban as possible has been very refreshing. Meeting the eclectic people that live there has been the best part; we are like a family. It is almost like a small town in a city. Everywhere you go; you see at least 2-4 people you know. Being able to walk to get coffee, or dine at a yummy restuarant, or go out for drinks has been great and I live all of 3 minutes from work (if I catch all the green lights). A Vespa is my next big-ticket item. I'm a huge advocate for downtown; can you tell? I believe a city's downtown should truly be it's center where people flock for culture, dining, entertainment, shopping, etc.; all of the extra lifestyle elements should be found downtown. My dream is for downtown Birmingham to be a bussling, metropalitain, city-center. It is chaulked FULL of potential and let me just tell ya, if I had the money, I'd been fixing-up a gorgeous old building and make it a live/work. Ok, I'm off my soap box. Stay tooned for the next entry!


Jessica W said...

Wow! What a great blog! I'm so glad that I stumbled upon it while surfing at work. FINALLY, something that's punchy, up-beat, and just plain fun to read. Thanks, Genevieve. And I can't wait to read what comes next.

Matt said...

Welcome to the information super backroad!

Hope your blog is updated more often than mine!